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گزارش اقدامات و فعالیتهای جمهوری اسلامی ایران در زمینه مبارزه با مواد مخدر ( سال 2021 )Activities of Iran In addressing world drug problem

گزارش پیش رو به فعالیت ها و اقدامات جمهوری اسلامی ایران در زمینه مبارزه با مواد مخدر در سال 2021 پرداخته است. در این گزارش که به زبان انگلیسی است خلاصه فعالیت های کشورمان در مبارزه با قاچاق مواد مخدر و اقدامات اتخاذ شده در زمینه پیشگیری، درمان و بازپروری ارائه گردیده است



گزارش اقدامات و فعالیتهای جمهوری اسلامی ایران در زمینه مبارزه با مواد مخدر

( سال 2021 )

        در گزارش اقدامات و فعالیتهای جمهوری اسلامی ایران در زمینه مبارزه با مواد مخدر در سال 2021 به زبان انگلیسی، ضمن ارائه اطلاعات و آمار، خلاصه ای از فعالیتهای جمهوری اسلامی ایران در زمینه مبارزه با قاچاق بین المللی مواد مخدر و همچنین اقدامات اتخاذ شده در زمینه پیشگیری، درمان و بازپروری ارائه گردیده است.

شایان ذکر است امسال برای دومین سال متوالی، میزان کشفیات جمهوری اسلامی ایران، بیشتر از 1000 تن انواع مواد مخدر بوده است. عمده مواد کشف شده در افغانستان تولید شده اند و مقصد آنها بازارهای کشورهای اروپا بوده استدر مقایسه با سالهای گذشته، افزایش کشف بیش از ده برابری تولید مت آمفتامین طی چهار سال گذشته که حاکی از افزایش تولید این مخدر صنعتی در افغانستان و همچنین افزایش صادرات پیش سازهای این ماده از اروپا و برخی کشورهای آسیایی به این کشور است تهدیدی برای منطقه و سایر کشورهای مقصد است.

جمهوری اسلامی ایران همواره آمادگی خود را برای همکاری با سازمان‌های بین المللی و نیز کشورهای جهان از جمله کشورهای همسایه در جهت مبارزه با قاچاق بین المللی مواد مخدر اعلام نموده است.

Activities of Iran In addressing world drug problem


 For the second consecutive year, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s drug seizures have surpassed 1,000 tons. A major portion of this amount is related to drugs produced in Afghanistan and their main destination has been Western and European markets. Drug trafficking which originated in Afghanistan has been coupled with acts of banditry, organized crimes, terrorism, security, and border skirmishes as well as the influx of refugees along Iran’s eastern borders. This challenge has further escalated with the current circumstances and developments in Afghanistan. Since the beginning of this year, over 40 law enforcement officers of the Islamic Republic of Iran have been martyred in the fight against armed drug traffickers and some other organized crime groups such as bandits, and terrorist groups. Earlier, the UN had described Iran as the flag bearer of the global fight against illicit drugs. Furthermore, Iran is now the leading front of the global campaign against the enormous trend of terrorism, acts of banditry, different types of smuggling as well as refugees originating in Afghanistan. Despite the adoption of numerous UN resolutions and instruments and constant emphasis on the principle of common 4 and shared responsibility, the world community particularly Western and European countries as the main beneficiaries of Iran’s drug control efforts have had the least contribution to Iran’s fight against illicit drugs. A simple comparison concerning UN contribution to Iran projects in five years (approximately 12 million dollars) with an annual cost of around 1 billion dollars in the areas of countering the drug supply, blocking the borders, treatment, harm reduction, and rehab by the Islamic Republic of Iran is an indication of lack of proportionate assistance by the international community to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Regrettably, Western and European countries as the final destination, have failed to help Iran in its single-handed campaign against illicit drugs. Instead, they have raised various political pretexts to abandon their shared responsibilities including through adoption a human rights and selective approach to refrain from assisting Iran and intervene in Iran’s effective measures by raising the issue of illegal and inhuman sanctions. This fact should be highlighted that although Iran is facing this problem today, the destination countries are likely to face this global scourge tomorrow. Therefore, let’s help one another. 5 In conclusion, we underscore the Islamic Republic of Iran’s firm determination for countering various social harms including narcotic drugs and invite you to study this report and the measures taken by the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2021

Drug demand reduction, treatment and developing public participation Introduction:

With regard to drug demand reduction and developing public participation, the Islamic Republic of Iran has implemented legal documents in the field of drug control. It considers a balanced strategy and adopts a community-based approach in the field of prevention with regard to the campaign against narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. It has also given priority to the principle of prevention and seeks to raise awareness and create social sensitivity among various target groups so as to prevent the entry of healthy individuals into the destructive cycle of addiction. A basic and strategic plan known as helpers of life has been designed in order to save the victims and help those harmed by narcotic drugs as well as enhancing the feeling of individual and collective responsibility among various social groups aimed at preventing addiction in target areas. It covers areas such as prevention, treatment, rehab, harms reduction as well as social support and protection for recovered individuals. Protection of recovered individuals and formulation of executive plans aimed at accelerating the trend of empowerment, rehab 7 and social reintegration are among other executive strategies for helping social groups that suffer from addiction. The abovementioned activities are conducted with the pivotal role of the government’s executive bodies with the active participation of the people, target social groups, guilds and NGOs within a comprehensive plan known as helpers of life with the motto of let’s help one another. Measures in the field of treatment and social support It is difficult to cure drug use disorder and one can get the best result provided that pharmaceutical treatment is combined with psycho-social interventions. Generally speaking, in addition to high rate of mortality in the health sector, addiction brings about serious social implications for the country. Based on a household survey conducted in 2015 in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the number of life-time users in the past year hit the figure of 2,808,000 persons and the rate of prevalence stands at 5.03% within the age group 15-64 years old. Following the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, major activities were carried out with respect to patients who suffered from drug use disorder as well as the staff of harms reduction centers similar 8 to other parts of the health sector that are still continuing in order to control the pandemic. There were 9,002 authorized centers for treatment and harms reduction (opiate dependency treatment clinics using agonist drugs, medium-term residential centers for treatment of drug dependency, TC centers, harms reduction clinics including drop-in centers, drop-in center/shelter, outreach centers, shelter and conex) in 2021 that admitted 1,413,075 persons. Infectious diseases related to drug abuse Narcotic drugs cause major health problems as well as the spread of certain infectious diseases. Speaking of the factors that cause HIV/AIDS infection since the registration of cases in the country, one can refer to use of common syringes among drug users, sexual contacts and transmission by mother to child respectively. There have been 42,933 registered cases of HIV/AIDS infection. One can see a declining trend of HIV/AIDS infection among IDUs in the past years due to preventive interventions as well as harms reduction plans that constitute an important part of activities for treatment of drug use disorders in the country and subsequent reduction of high-risk behaviors. 9 Measures for development of public participation and NGOs In recent years, strategic planning with a focus on a community-based approach and enhancing the role of public participation has been the most important approach pursued by the Islamic Republic of Iran for controlling social harms and drug abuse in particular. This is due to the fact that preventing a wide spectrum of social harms in the country requires active participation by all beneficiaries in the society covering various social environments. In this regard, the role and responsibility of NGOs alongside other government bodies and social partners is of paramount importance aimed at paving the way for further social participation for controlling and reducing harms and addiction in particular. On this basis, the office for the development of public participation and NGOs has adopted a maximum approach towards the capacities of social participation in 2021 conducting the following activities:

  • Providing financial support for 562 projects by NGOs covering a population of 900,000 persons;
  • Organizing 176 specialized sessions and having 972 approved items aimed at coordinating community-based activities for combating narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances throughout the country; 10 • Encouraging contributions by benefactors as well as key individuals aimed at boosting social assets;
  • Paving the way for the presence of NGOs in the area of policy-making and oversight alongside executive activities, specializing NGOs’ activities, involvement of cultural, scientific and social élites for membership or establishment of NGOs;
  • Making efforts in order to develop and administer justice with regard to supportive plans in country’s six zones, provinces, townships, etc.
  • Outsourcing and making use of NGOs’ capacities for organizing training courses and workshops in the field of empowerment while benefitting from TOT approaches;
  • Holding 612 training workshops in the field of empowerment by NGOs active in the area of drug control and reduction of demand for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (2020-2021);
  • Paving the way for offering free of charge vocational training to individuals harmed by addiction including individuals who seek help at treatment centers, drug-related inmates and individuals who have recovered from addiction to drugs;
  • Offering training to individuals who seek help at treatment centers, drug-related inmates and individuals who have 11 recovered from addiction (10,780 persons in 2020 & 12,886 persons in 2021);
  • Paying a portion of insurance costs of employees to entrepreneurs so as to support job creation and providing insurance for individuals harmed by addiction as well as motivating entrepreneurs to provide jobs for individuals who have been harmed by addiction to drugs; • 30 billion Rials of funding was approved in 2020 for job creation from which 26 billion Rials were allocated for creating jobs covering 1,577 persons;
  • 50 billion Rials of funding was approved in 2021 for job creation from which 30 billion Rials were allocated for creating jobs covering 1,400 persons;
  • Creating a ranking system for NGOs active in the area of drug control and reduction of demand for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; • Standardizing and directing the activities of NGOs;
  • Creating a sound competitive and participatory atmosphere among NGOs aimed at boosting their efficiency and productivity;
  • There were 2,759 NGOs active in the field of drug control in 2021 (1,644 NGOs active in the field of culture and prevention, 959 NGOs active in the field of treatment and harms reduction, 156 NGOs active in the area of job creation).

12 Activities in the field of culture and prevention In the past two years during the Coronavirus pandemic, strategic planning with a focus on cyberspace and enhancing the role of public participation have been the most important approach pursued by the Islamic Republic of Iran for controlling social harms and drug abuse in particular. On this basis, the office for demand reduction and development of public participation has adopted an approach based on prevention while maximizing the capacities of social participation, disease control and preventing its spread to patients who suffer from drug use disorder and the staff of treatment and harms reduction centers and has conducted the following activities: Policy-making:

  • Making use of cyberspace for preventing addiction;
  • Qualitative and quantitative development of volunteer NGOs in the field of addiction by making use of cyberspace;
  • Making proportionate decisions for the implementation of plans while taking into account the health condition caused by the Coronavirus pandemic and taking advantage of the cyberspace capacity as well as enhancing a sense of need for assisting each other by sensitizing the people and the authorities;
  • Empowering the students through interaction with scientific centers aimed at disseminating information about primary prevention as an alternative activity during the pandemic;
  • Reviewing and formulating relevant procedures such as guidelines for admitting new patients in proportionate with the new circumstances;
  • Allocating special funding for purchasing health and educational items in order to disseminate information concerning the Coronavirus pandemic;
  • Publishing technical guidelines as well as training packages (helpers of life) with focus on primary prevention in cyberspace;
  • Offering health-related training and use of technical posters in cyberspace replacing in-person activities;
  • Boosting activities related to the plan known as helpers of life in cyberspace. Major activities in the field of prevention with priority given to cyberspace
  • Producing 100 contents on prevention via 20 channels in cyberspace; • Activating the influencers in order to draw the attention of users regarding the threats posed by addiction and rectifying wrong beliefs in this regard;
  • Extending support to cultural startups run by university students;
  • Benefitting from the capacities of channels in cyberspace with more than 12,000 members in order to spread content about prevention in collaboration with relevant organs in four target areas namely family, educational settings, workplaces and cyberspace;
  • Benefitting from Shaad (education ministry’s technical network for training) and creating a link related to helpers of life in the said network;
  • Producing a teaser in cyberspace on lack of any positive effect by drugs for preventing the spread of Coronavirus;
  • Initiating the production of less than one minute programs with messages concerning prevention from cultural, sports and artistic celebrities;
  • Offering counseling regarding prevention and treatment of addiction to 230,000 calls via national addiction hotline;
  • Making technical preparations for launching the internet portal (helpers of life) in Shaad network;
  • Expanding the rate of coverage by helpers of life plan in its second phase in cyberspace for implementation at 30,000 schools at four levels (school, region, province, country);
  • Attracting close to 30 million followers in social networks, 15 websites, apps, podcasts, streamers and computer games in line with helpers of life plan in cyberspace;
  • Implementing the plan for empowerment of students through virtual training using Shaad network and other social networks used by the education ministry with a focus on primary prevention;
  • Empowering students, parents and staff at approximately 42,000 schools;
  • Implementing 30,000 small innovative projects (helpers of life) while taking into account the condition caused by the pandemic at schools;
  • Providing primary prevention coverage for 525,000 students at dorms and academic centers as well as newly-admitted students;
  • Providing primary prevention coverage for workplaces in cyberspace (more than 700,000 persons);
  • Distributing training packages aimed at raising awareness in the field of prevention in cyberspace covering all target groups (more than 2 million copies).

Combating the drug supply

 The Islamic Republic of Iran has more than 8,755 kilometers of common borders with its neighbors. There are approximately 1,923 kilometers of common borders with Afghanistan as the biggest producer of opiates as well as Pakistan. The Islamic Republic of Iran faces various challenges in the eastern part of the country for border control as well as countering the entry and transit of different types of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Speaking of common borders with Afghanistan, certain arrangements have been made such as stationing of border guards, measures for blocking the border and drone monitoring. These measures have led to the use of new modus operandi by drug traffickers as well as more advanced equipment for traffic in narcotic drugs. Iran’s measures in southern part of its common borders with Afghanistan and common borders with Pakistan include the blocking of rugged mountainous passageways and dealing with border gaps through regular border patrols and stationing of border guard units at zero points, setting up plans for electronic and optical oversight and monitoring rugged areas via aerial patrols. The said measures have minimized the entry of large 22 amounts of drugs via land and eastern borders and one can witness the diversion of the transit route towards the sea of Oman and drug traffickers moving towards the international waters of the sea of Oman and the Persian Gulf.

Measures for reinforcing peripheral borders and customs terminals: Speaking of measures conducted in 2021 for blocking the borders, one can refer to border control and visual monitoring of certain border areas particularly in eastern provinces, equipping bases with optical fibers, using monitoring cameras, drone monitoring, border patrols for facilitating combat operations, installing 170 km of optical fibers for electronic and optical oversight of eastern borders, transfer of electricity to southeastern borders, making bases more secure and increasing their number as well as setting up fences along southeastern borders. Regarding controlling equipment in 2021, 2 truck x-ray scanners became operational at InchehBorun customs at common borders with Turkmenistan as well as ShahidRajaee port in the Persian Gulf. Monitoring precursors and chemical substances under control Chemical precursors have further turned into a challenging issue in the area of drug control and it has direct relationship with growing trend of drug production in Afghanistan. For this reason, combating precursor diversion is a top priority for the Islamic Republic of Iran. 24 Promoting the activities of the national committee for precursor oversight at DCHQ with PICS permanent working group and holding regular expert meetings as well as constant monitoring of any case of diversion were among major actions taken last year with the aim of strengthening precursor oversight. Some of the said activities are as the following:

  • Adjusting the activities of law enforcement agencies based on the directive related to article 40 of the Anti-Narcotics Act following its amendment and update after holding 18 expert-level meetings in 2020; • Organizing the collection, analysis and processing of figures related to production, consumption, import and export of precursors;
  • Promoting national legislations in relation with precursor oversight;
  • Unity of procedure in the activities of precursor detection labs (Anti-Narcotics Police lab & labs affiliated to the national standard organization);
  • Promoting training at executive organs;
  • Registering precursor seizure reports in PICS system.


Legal measures

 1-In accordance with the Islamic Republic of Iran’s AntiNarcotics Act, addicts who are subject to treatment centers (article 16) can be held there for a maximum period of six months. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and based on a decision adopted by the national Coronavirus task force, the said individuals can undergo treatment for an extra six months (maximum one year) following order by the judicial authority. The said decision is still valid and necessary measures are being taken in this regard;

2-The executive by-law of the prisons’ organization was approved by the judiciary in the first six months of 2020. The by-law has new provisions aimed at enhancing cultural and correctional activities at prisons,supportive measuresforinmates and observing human rights, improving the condition in prisons from the view of inmates’ health, medical needs, nutrition and clothes as well as putting more emphasis on employment and vocational training;

 3-The Drug Control Headquarters hasformulated a new directive for detection of drug-related proceeds that will be approved very soon. This is aimed at detecting, intercepting and confiscating drug-related proceeds and dealing a blow to the illegitimate economic foundations of drug traffickers;

4-The secretariat of the Drug Control Headquarters is doing the necessary follow-up for amending the Anti-Narcotics Act in accordance with legal processes related to national legislations. Themeasure is aimed at updating theAnti-NarcoticsAct covering topics such as facilitating the process of updating the list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors, dealing blows to the illegitimate financial and economic foundations of individuals who are involved in the smuggling of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; obligating judicial authorities to take effective measures aimed at detecting drug-related proceeds, completing the members of DCHQ, enforcing heavier punishments for cyber-criminals, giving priority to preventive measures, etc. Activities in the field of research and training While benefitting from the capacities of scientific centers, the Islamic Republic of Iran has carried out the following measures aimed at enhancing knowledge on the subject of addiction as well as developing software and hardware activities for drug control based on theoretical foundations:

1-Formation of a research council with the participation of academicians for the examination, evaluation and adoption of research projects in the field of drug control;

2-Regular interaction with research and academic centers affiliated to public universities, schools of medicine, Payam-eNour University, Islamic Azad University and University of Applied Science and Technology aimed at implementing research projects in the fields of combating the drug supply and reducing the demand for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;

 3-Providing material and spiritual support for researchers active in the field of combating narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;

4-Designating 179 research priority themes in the field of supply and demand reduction in order to benefit from the capacities of post-graduate theses of M.A. and Ph.D., students as well as 9 national research priorities in the field of drug control to be submitted to universities and scientific and research centers of the country;

 5-Conducting 28 applied researches at national and provincial levels with focus on hardware and software campaigns against narcotic drugs; 6-Benefitting from the country’s technical and scientific capacities in order to generate knowledge and reinforce a science-based approach towards drug control;

7-Providing support for 36 theses of M.A. and Ph.D., students related to drug control aimed at strengthening the theoretical 33 basis of the anti-drug campaign;

8-Informing all relevant bodies concerning the results of 137 research projects and post-graduate theses aimed at expanding the theoretical foundations of drug control;

 9-Preparing 4 volumes of scientific journals on the subject of addiction comprising 60 specialized articles in the field of drug control and their upload on a website of the scientific journal on addiction, DCHQ website, Islamic World Science Citation Center, the database of national publications, the scientific database of the Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (Jahad-e-Daneshgahi), the Comprehensive Portal of Human Sciences, Noormags website, Iran Medex and DOAJ int’l website;

 10-Organizing 43 technical workshops for senior experts active in the fields of prevention, treatment, harms reduction, combating the drug supply, public relations, workplace safety, etc. for empowerment purposes, developing efficient manpower and updating their technical know-how in order to deal a blow tothe strategies pursued by illicit drug networks;

11-Uploading the conclusions reached by research projects, theses, specialized papers and books in the field of drug control at the digital library of DCHQ that is free of charge for researchers, students and academicians (lib.dchq.ir),(8,407,077 person/case visits);

 12-Organizing 5 technical seminars and scientific conferences covering the topic of addiction at national and international levels aimed at reinforcing a community-based approach;

 13-Providing support for research institutions that focus on medical, behavioral and socialsciences leading to an outstanding growth in the number of papers and articles related to addiction;

14-Benefitting from the views shared by specialists and organizing strategic think tank sessions covering various areas of drug control;

 15-Inviting specialists and experts to take part in IRIB programs aimed at offering training to parents, teenagers and young people, sharing concepts on child upbringing, life skills and a healthy life model to prevent tendency towards drug use, holding training workshops for trainers, etc.

16-Disseminating 205 research outcomes to relevant bodies such as a pathological approach towards drug control, condition of drug use among women,mortalitiesrelated to drug use-stimulants and non-prescriptive drugs, DCHQ measures for combating the Coronavirus, technical training courses, situation of addiction in the country, etc.

17-Holding a ceremony marking the international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking attended by ambassadors and representatives of international organizations;

It should be noted that any decreasing trend in parts of news and media activities by the public relations department has been due to the restrictions imposed during the Coronavirus pandemic.


Activities at regional and international levels

 While having a firm resolve in the necessity for regional and international cooperation in the field of drug control and in line with the implementation of a balanced strategy, the Islamic Republic of Iran has made utmost efforts in order to have an active and effective presence in regional and international gatherings in relation with drug control, aimed at developing cooperation and interaction as well as preparing conducive grounds for joint actions at various levels with priority given to countries along the route as well as regional states. In order to fulfill the abovementioned goals, the Islamic Republic of Iran has carried out the following activities during 1400 (Iranian calendar year):

 1-Active participation in regional and international meetings in a virtual manner:

  • Annual session of the Sub-commission on Illicit Drug Traffic and Related Matters in the Near and Middle East;
  • Annual meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies in Asia and the Pacific (HONLEA);
  • RP technical meeting on protection of children and teenagers against harms caused by narcotic drugs;
  • Training session on addiction prevention in collaboration with ECO;
  • Training session on treatment and harms reduction by CICA;
  • Briefing session on substitute operation in 2021 within the regional program;
  • Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Forensic Capacity and Illicit Drugs (RWGFD) in collaboration with UN regional program for Afghanistan and neighboring countries;
  • Meeting of the regional network of coordination centers on drug abuse prevention in Central and West Asia;
  • Working session with directors of statistical data analysis units of national focal points and experts from national treatment centers of member states in collaboration with UNODC regional program for Afghanistan and neighboring countries and CARICC;
  • Annual advisory meeting of the Paris Pact on policy-making;
  • Paris Pact working group session on preventing chemical precursor diversion;
  • Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Precursors (RWGP) in collaboration with UNODC regional program for Afghanistan and neighboring countries;
  • Meeting on implementing the substitute operation attended by member states in collaboration with regional program for Afghanistan and neighboring countries;
  • Working group session on cross-border cooperation under the Paris Pact initiative.

2-Cooperation with UN specialized agencies

 2/1. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) There is an ongoing cooperation with Tehran-based UNODC aimed at acquiring international assistance and benefiting from the experiences as well as economic, logistical and technical capabilities of other countries and international organizations via defining several projects and documents for cooperation covering various aspects of drug control. The abovementioned cooperation takes place within the framework of two joint documents with the United Nations in the field of drug control. By holding the meetings of the steering committee as well as expert level committees and conducting necessary coordination, the Drug Control Headquarters (DCHQ) paves the way for the implementation of activities defined by the projects so much so thatmorethan24jointactivitieswerecarriedoutlastyear covering areas such as drug demand reduction, combating the drug supply and enhancing regional and international cooperation.

 2/2. UNICEF in Tehran: More than 19 joint activities have been defined since the signing of the new joint plan in the field of addiction prevention covering children, teenagers and young people. Several projects have been implemented and planning is underway to implement the remaining ones.

2/3. Interaction with INCB Speaking of interaction with INCB, one can refer to efforts for maintaining active interaction with INCB in order to obtain the required drugs under control for medical and scientific purposes, preventing the diversion of precursors, stimulants and New Psychoactive Substances (NPS), taking steps for protecting and implementing the three drug control conventions, completion of questionnaires and timely responses to other inquiries concerning evaluation of activities as well as reflecting the proposals particularly with regard to psychotropic substances.

 3-Other activities:

  • Organizing several meetings for formulating the country partnership program with UNODC (2021-2025);
  • Making an assessment of joint activities within the country partnership program with UNODC (2015-2021);
  • Examining the draft document on the role of executive bodies in preventing drug use received from UNODC;
  • Preparing a socio-economic analytical report on poppy cultivation in Afghanistan in 2019;
  • Organizing a technical workshop for the management and staff of selected NGOs with emphasis on girls and female head of household and a workshop on creating jobs for youths and NGOs in several phases within the sustainable development sub-program for NGOs;
  • Holding a special ceremony attended by Tehran-based diplomats marking the international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking;
  • Completing questionnaires related to 2020;
  • Examining the cooperation protocol on combating the illicit flow of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors in the Caspian sea;
  • Preparing the draft MoU between the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and UNODC for cooperation on detecting, preventing and countering the illicit cultivation and production, abuse and traffic in New Psychoactive Substances (NPS);
  • Dispatching 10 Anti-Narcotics Police officers to participate in a training workshop in Russia



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